Scott et al. v. Service Corporation International et al.
Case No.BC421528
Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles
Counsel: Michael Avenatti & Jason Frank of Eagan Avenatti, LLP
IMPORTANT UPDATE: During the first week of December, packets were sent to claimants who submitted eligible claims for disinterment or refund of pre-need purchases. The forms need to be returned to the claims administrator by January 15, 2014 or else the claim will default to receiving a share of the net settlement fund only.
Letters were also mailed or emailed to claimants who submitted claims where the administrator could not confirm the eligibility of one or more graves claimed or needed additional information. If you received such a letter, please respond by January 5, 2015 or else your claim may be denied.
If you did not request disinterment of a grave or a refund of a pre-need purchase or if you were not sent a notice of deficiency letter, you do not need to do anything. Distribution of settlement payments is expected to occur in April.
- A Settlement has been reached between Defendants Service Corporation International and SCI California Funeral Services, Inc. ("Defendants" or "SCI") and Plaintiffs Robert Scott, Sean Frank, Rabbi Howard Laibson, Warren Binder, Ivy Greenstein, Miriam Sue Roth, Linda Pore, Barry Chapman, and Habib Naeim (the "Class Representatives"), individually and on behalf of the previously certified classes (the "Class" or "Plaintiffs"). The underlying lawsuit, entitled Scott et al. v. Service Corporation International et al., Civil Case No. BC421528 (also known as Sands et al v. Service Corporation International et al.) is presently pending in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles.
- This Settlement concerns Eden Memorial Park Cemetery ("Eden"), a Jewish cemetery located in Mission Hills, California. The total value of the Settlement is over $80,500,000. The Settlement provides monetary benefits and permanent requirements and measures at Eden.
- You are a member of the Class, and your rights may be affected by this Settlement if:
- A. You purchased any interment rights (plots), cemetery goods and/or services at Eden during the time period February 7, 1985 through September 10, 2009; and/or
- B. You authorized the interment of a loved one to be buried at Eden during the time period February 7, 1985 through September 10, 2009; and/or
- C. You are the authorized representative of any deceased persons who would fall under the definitions in Category (A) or Category (B) above.
The Notice you may have received explains that the Court granted "preliminary approval" of a settlement of this class action lawsuit. The Court authorized this Notice because you have a right to know about the proposed Settlement in this Class Action lawsuit, and about all of your options, before the Court decides whether to grant "final approval" to the Settlement. The notice explains the allegations in the lawsuit, the terms of the Settlement, and your legal rights.
Please view the Case Documents page to download legal documents or visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information.
Important Dates
Claim Filing Deadline: June 5, 2014
Objection Deadline: April 7, 2014
Opt-Out Deadline: May 6, 2014
Final Approval Hearing Date: May 15, 2014
Final Approval: May 15, 2014